Go is an open source system programming language built by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google. Golang has built in Concurrency model, syntax similar to a scripting language(with strictly typed), rich import system which makes a good choice for building high perfomance micro services with less lines of code than c/c++/java.

According to the creaters of Golang, it is not a completely new design but combines the goodness of both the worlds, it takes CSP (Communicating sequential processes) by Tony Hoare as building blocks for its Concurrency Model. But when it comes to Concurrency, Parallelism most of the developer things its same.

Here’s a talk by Rob Pike which will help you the basic difference between Concurrency and Parallelism

Rob Pike - 'Concurrency Is Not Parallelism' from Waza on Vimeo.

for more information go to golang blog